BORN: December 18, 2023
Onyx is a handsome little Black and white male looking for his forever home. He will be available to go home on February 26.
DECEMBER 25, 2024
3 beautiful lemon and white females
2 handsome lemon and white male.
Taking deposits after January 22nd.
Cercei is a favorite with almost everyone who sees her. She's very beautiful.
Available to go to her new home after March 5, 2025.
OLENNA is the smallest of the puppies. She has a beautiful muzzle that makes her so kissable. She will be microchipped and will have prepaid limited AKC registration.
Available to go to her forever home on March 5th.
Yara maybe my keeper. She has wonderful markings.
Theon is the smaller of the two males, and will develop into a very handsome chin. He will be microchipped and come with prepaid, limited AKC registration.
Sandor is a large puppy with the potential to weigh over 12 pounds. He is a handsome dog and will surely be visually appealing. He will be microchipped and come with prepaid, limited AKC registration.
2 beautiful black and white females
1 handsome Black and white male
Taking deposits after the 23rd of January.
Davina is a lovely little girl with charming markings that enhance her beauty. She will be microchipped and come with prepaid, limited AKC registration.
Rebekah is a beautiful puppy. She displays extensive black markings. She will be microchipped and include prepaid, limited AKC registration.